Cropty Wallet
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Cropty Wallet
The friendliest cryptocurrency wallet

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With Cropty you can store, buy, sell and exchange various cryptocurrencies including TON, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), BNB and many more. Our wallet supports multiple currencies, allowing you to diversify your portfolio and manage it in one place. The wallet supports a wide range of tokens, including those running on ERC20, BEP20, TON and TRC20 networks. This means you can store and manage your Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Toncoin assets right from our app. However, our wallet isn't just a place to store your crypto assets. We offer unique opportunities to make money from your assets. With our crypto loans and deposits, you can earn interest on your cryptocurrencies, earning income that far exceeds traditional bank rates. Cropty is designed with ease of use in mind. Our interface is intuitive, making managing your crypto assets easy and enjoyable. Rest assured that your assets are safe with our advanced security measures.
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iOS, Android, Telegram, Web
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English, Russian, Spanish
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