TON Fonates
Send and accept donations on streams in TON
The TON Fonates donation platform is a great alternative to centralized Donate Pay and DonationAlerts. Already now you can connect a wallet and start collecting or sending donations to TON, receiving notifications on the stream.
The advantages of the platform are:
Financial freedom
All donations received are immediately sent to the streamer's wallet, which eliminates the possibility of freezing or blocking the balance for withdrawal.
Nextgen donations
We plan to diversify streamer support by introducing the ability to send other tokens and NFT.
The lowest commission
The commission for all payments is only 0%, which makes TON Fonates a truly popular donation platform.
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Хорошое приложение для донатов на стриме, и еще комиссию не берут
Web, Android, iOS, Telegram
Языки интерфейса
Russian, English
Официальные ссылки
TON App не несет ответственности за любые приложения в каталоге. Используя это приложение, вы действуете на свой страх и риск. Ознакомьтесь с нашими Условиями отказа от ответственности и Политикой конфиденциальности
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