Explore the universe, unlock rare characters, and earn points 🪐 From 100 to 49M each time.
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WELCOME TO SUPERCLUSTER — A SCI-FI GAME WHERE LUCK IS EVERYTHING! Play the game to: 🌌 Discover the Airel planet system 🌌 Try your luck — collect rare cards 🌌 Earn points and get new rewards Just tap a capsule. It will unlock a character and give you points — from 100 to 49,000,000. Rare cards bring higher scores. Stay active and complete tasks to open more capsules and increase your chances. May the odds be in your favor today ⭐️
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TON App не несет ответственности за любые приложения в каталоге. Используя это приложение, вы действуете на свой страх и риск. Ознакомьтесь с нашими Условиями отказа от ответственности и Политикой конфиденциальности