Bitget Wallet
Best Web 3 crypto wallet for Toncoin(TON)
Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multi-chain wallet, offering a comprehensive platform with wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp Browser, and Launchpad functionality. Supporting 100+ public chains, Bitget Wallet aggregates top DEXes and NFT markets to provide users with the best trading prices.
Bitget Global Inc. was established in May 2018 and provides reliable asset storage, fast trading, exchange, and DeFi investment services to over 20 million users worldwide. We provide services to 168+ countries and regions across North America, Europe, and Asia. Bitget Wallet is also the largest decentralized wallet in Asia.
With its user-friendly features, Bitget Wallet empowers users to engage with decentralized applications and digital assets, making it easier than ever to embrace the opportunities offered by the Web3 ecosystem.
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i use only this one
good luck Bitget Wallet
Very reliable wallet
Bitget Wallet is a reliable and feature-rich cryptocurrency wallet. Its intuitive interface, real-time market data, and built-in DApp store make it perfect for both beginners and experienced users. Minor issues with Chrome extension features, but overall, a great wallet!
Web, Android, iOS, Telegram
Idiomas de la interfaz
Chinese, English, Chinese (Simplified)
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