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Space Cartels
Space Cartels is a turn-based web3 game where you become a Cartel Boss on Planet X in 2266.
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Space Cartels is an economic turn-based game where you become a Cartel Boss on Planet X in the year 2266. The game is divided into seasons lasting up to 21 turns, with each turn lasting 8 hours. Making moves in each turn takes about 15 minutes, making it an ideal game for busy individuals who don't have time to dedicate hours to a game. In Space Cartels, you play in your free time - essentially when we would normally be scrolling through Social Media.
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Very fun and engaging game!
game has a great idea and does not require much time because the turns are every 8h.You can play anywhere, even if you have 5 minutes of free time and you will still be first in the ranking!! The team has great communication with the community. The first such developed and polished game on telegram
This is most probably the best web3 game I have ever played. Really recommend!
Web, Android, iOS, Telegram
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